Messages from our Employees

Q. What is your main role in the company?

My role as a system engineer is to evaluate and incorporate the latest technology trends into existing systems to streamline the workflow within the company.

Edward Nicole Santos

Employed since 2022
Smart Factory Business Dept.
Creative Solutions Division


Q: What do you enjoy the most working at Just Co., Ltd?

Due to the nature of my work, there’s always a wide variety of situations that I must deal with. Being exposed to many facets of technology makes every project exciting and rewarding.

Q. As a foreign individual, how does it feel working with the Japanese, especially in Just Co., Ltd.?

As a foreigner working at Just Co., Ltd, I find the experience to be incredibly eye-opening. Working with people from another culture provides me with new perspectives that I may not have considered before.


Q. What do you look forward to working at Just Co., Ltd.?

I believe that Just Co., Ltd. is the best place for me to deliver innovative solutions for the company and the industry. I am thrilled to work with a like-minded team who shares our passion for pushing the boundaries of what's possible!

Q. Please give a short message to aspiring foreign employees.

At Just Co., Ltd., we believe that diversity fuels innovation and success. As a foreign employee, we welcome you with open arms and we'll support you every step of the way!


Messages from our Employees