Messages from our Employees

Q. What kind of job are you doing?

Diamonds are said to be the hardest stones in the world. My job is to use plating technology to adhere these diamond particles to create products with higher added value.

Arata Endou

Employed Since 2020
Development Department


Q. What do you like the most about the work that you are doing?

The tools I make are used in places that are not easily noticeable, but when I think that what I have created is contributing to enrich the world, I feel a sense of accomplishment, and that's what makes my work attractive.

Q. What were the reasons for entering Just Co., Ltd?

I developed an interest in the plating industry during my research for my college thesis and wanted to work in my hometown of Yamagata. As a result, I applied for a job at this company through a job search website.


Q. Please tell us about your future vision

It has been about three years since I joined the company, but I still make mistakes due to my lack of experience and study. I would like to improve my skills by analyzing operations, studying for plating qualifications, etc., to become someone who can pass on my skills to future employees.

Q. Your message to aspiring employees

We offer comprehensive guidance to individuals with no prior plating experience, and I believe this is achievable due to our open workplace culture, which fosters a positive atmosphere and encourages active communication. If you are interested in enhancing your plating skills, I would be delighted to work together with you!
